The Living Rug Company

Alfie Living Rug 2

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The Living Rug Company is a sustainable, high welfare company where the sheep come first. This vegetarian felted living fleece rug uses only the sheep's wool, and takes over a year to make between Alfie doing his job growing the beautiful wool, to shearing him, cleaning his wool and felting the base/underside of the rug. No skin, just wool...100% cruelty free, and made with lots of love, and each one-of-a-kind. Alfie is roaming with his flock and growing his coat for shearing next spring. The rug comes with a fridge magnet with a picture of him.
  • When measured from the widest points, this rug measures: 46"W x 28"L
  • 100% wool
  • Underside is embroidered with Alfie's name and the year he was sheared to make this rug
  • Cruelty free
  • Handmade in England

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